A little Some Thing

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United States
I'm a Stay at mom that has a habit of randomly make homes and such for sim's 3. I decide to have a spot to share them with others. Ya I know there other place out there but I go to many forums and site and could not pick which one to post my stuff only. This way I can Share ever where. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Another Day In Simvill

Well I had a fun time with the beta and still playing.
Right now working on the Venue & Night Club, along with the Galla. Thay both will be posted at the End of the week it all goes well.

But sadly my Oldest is having issues again , Kids you have to love em no mater what.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Bizy Weekend

Well I hope To be having a bizzy weekend as the test for the world I have been building on, (I have still have 2 to go ) is going to be going to try going bata bye the end of the weekend.
 ( or sooner.)
  Almost all the homes and community areas will be there, thou we're still will be working on a few more home.

auntielynds  from TS3 Creators' Consortium II had

BYO Tropical Island Was featured at the main site of EA Sims 3

So I' am all excited!

 I think my kids might get mad that they might lose their computer time.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Concords

Frank and Shana hope to start a new life here after being run out of there home town when shana found she could make apple out of thin air. The both love The earth and try to keep it clean. While moving here Shana learned she can find a way to heal others with her gift, Frank has decide that he just want to project about anything he can, like a proper man should. There hoping to meet and join in the fun with others. Shana tries to make ever thing look just right, but Broods.  

Franks Is an Renaissance Man wishing to Max 3 sills, Traits:
Workaholic, Vegetarian, Eco friendly, Proper, Mooch.

Shana is a which that whats to be a Mystic healer her traits are:
Social Butterfly,Brooding,perfectionist, Eco friendly